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Housing Systems



From traditional flat-deck to the latest innovations in multi-tier housing, our nest systems for layers offer high-quality, sustainable solutions designed to improve bird welfare.



Training birds to move effectively round a multi-tier system begins in rear, and our range of rearing systems ensure your pullets are fully prepared for the move to their multi-tier laying home.

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Hatchability is key to successful breeding, and more than 30 years of experience have allowed us to develop an optimal house layout with attractive nests to increase the birds’ nest acceptance.



We are passionate about bird welfare and are constantly developing new products to help birds to express their natural behaviour without injuring themselves or their neighbours.

When it comes to housing your poultry, Vencomatic has the perfect solution. The high-welfare range offers everything from traditional flat-deck nests to high-spec multi-tier housing systems, across all industry sectors.

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